You knew this was coming! This year, as last year, we’ll be doing goodie bags, and giving out door prizes at the Friday Fiber Bash and the Saturday Spin-In. And all the best such things come from Stringtopians, including those fine folks who wish they could join us in person, but can’t.
If you’d like to send us stuff for the goodie bags, we’ll need 80 (!!) goodies. We recommend making them be goodies that identify who you are, and they can (and even should) promote your fibery business somehow. Or just be neat stuff. You don’t HAVE to have a fibery business to send goodies. Or door prizes. You can just… want to. Last year lots of our door prizes were from folks who were just sad they couldn’t come and hang out.
If you’d like to send us stuff for door prizes, well, those can be almost anything imaginable. People love love love door prizes and they’re a great way to show off your stuff and make people ooh and ahh and want to find out more or buy their own. And the same goes for it not having to be associated with a business. Think of it as being part of the fun.
We will, of course, list you as a donor and thank you publicly, on programs and online.
If you’re in for either of these things, we would need to have them no later than April 20, unless you’re coming to the event and it’s a door prize, in which case you can shove them in our hands while we’re handing them out. But goodie bag goodies, definitely by April 20 or there’s no way we’ll be able to get them all handled.
Interested? Email us and we’ll tell you where to send them. Please send one email to both and And of course, you can also post here to let everyone know you’re sending stuff.