How do I access the content my membership entitles me to?
Live classes were held on Zoom and the recorded videos are unlisted on YouTube. The playlists and video links, and all community interaction, are shared on Discord in private, members-only channels. To gain access to these channels, please go to (this link is also in your confirmation email) and follow the on screen instructions to connect to Discord. Links to your purchases are also described in your welcome email.
I followed these instructions, and still don’t have access to the members only channels, what do I do?
Firstly, wait 10 minutes, it might take a while for the bot to catch up. If you’ve still not got the correct access, go back to and disconnect from Discord, then click the button again to reconnect.
When I go to the membership account page, I get a message saying I don’t have access to this content, why?
This error message means you don’t have a membership (either monthly or quarterly) via the AbbysYarns website.
If you are on our legacy systems of billing via either Patreon or Square, your access will have been given manually, so you don’t need to access this page, don’t worry, you’re not missing out!
If you purchased your membership through the AbbysYarns website, then check you are logged in to the same account through which you purchased the membership.
Where can I learn more about how Franquemont University works and how to use Discord?
Our student orientation video here will give you a great start in understanding how we do things:
An explanation of what Discord is can be found here:
And a video showing how we use Discord’s functions is here, below the ‘connect’ button:
If you’re still stuck, give us a shout in either #techsupport or #class-support on Discord, or email faculty @